Free Drum Lessons

Sober's Verse Groove Technique
Learn the groove and technique used by Danny Carey throughout the intro and verses of Sober by Tool.

Classic Drum Break From Arabella
The pre-chorus drum break rocks a Bonham-esque feel. These grooves have some great syncopation and will help to build your 8th note hi-hat foot coordination.

Drops Of Jupiter - Bridge Lesson
This drum lesson explores the bridge groove and drum fills from "Drops of Jupiter" by Train. This is a great selection of music because of the broken triplet metric modulation - gives the groove its groove.

8th Note Jailbreak Sample
This lesson demonstrates a sample exercise from Patrick Marsepoil's latest ebook, 8th Note Jailbreak and some applications for around the kit.

Syncopated Hi-Hat
In this lesson, learn a cool drum beat that uses syncopated hi-hat, snare and bass drum strokes.

Getting Started with Sixteen-Beat Drumming
Sometimes when you need a more energetic feel, alternating sixteenth-notes on the hi-hat are just the thing called for. They're twice the speed of the standard 8th note ostinato, making the beat feel full of energy.

Valentine's Day Tom Groove
This lesson demonstrates the intro tom groove from Valentine's Day by Linkin Park and also some creative ways to borrow the technique to create your own grooves.

Learn to Play the Chorus of "Iris" by Goo Goo Dolls
This lesson takes a look at the 6/8 grooves and fills in the first chorus of the late 90s hit, Iris by Goo Goo Dolls. We'll also have a quick refresher of counting rhythms in 6/8 and walk through the sticking patterns.

New Sounds
In this off-beat lesson, we're taking a step back to create some new sounds on the snare. This is a fun pattern to practice, but most importantly, it may inspire some new ideas in you.

Drum Fill From Smoke On The Water
The guitar riff from Smoke on the Water seems to get all of the attention. Well, not it in this lesson. We're going to focus on the classic fill that leads into the first chorus of the song. Of course, we'll also look at some variations and ways to use this fill with our own beats.